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[ideias_e_cia:26295] Lindo trabalho de costura


Construct the block:

Sew one square A to one rectangle B, right sides together.

Press seam open. Sew another square A to rectangle B.

Press seams open. Repeat with the other squares A and rectangle B.

Sew rectangle C to the pieced A-B-A. Press seams open.

Sew the other pieced A-B-A to rectangle C. Press seams open.

Sew one rectangle D to the top and one rectangle D to the bottom of the pieced square. Press seams open.

Sew a square E to both short ends of rectangle D. Press seams open.

Repeat with the remaining squares E and rectangle D, and press seams open.

Sew the constructed E-D-E rectangle to the left side of the pieced square. Press seams open.

Sew the other constructed E-D-E rectangle to the right side of the pieced square and press seams open.

Sew one rectangle F to the top and press open.

Sew the other rectangle F to the bottom of the pieced square and press seams open.

Sew one rectangle G to the left side and one rectangle G to the right side of the pieced square. Press seams open.

Square up block with a 12 1/2" ruler if necessary.

If you're following along, please be sure to add your block images to the Celebrate Christmas Quilt Along Flickr group!

"Arthur sempre tivera a habilidade de atrair pessoas em torno de si. Era dono de grande energia e um entusiasmo descontraído, e a capacidade de fazer o mais comum dos homens acreditar que era um igual. Nascera para ser líder."
(Quinn Taylor Evans in O Legado de merlim)


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