Gostei muito e repasso para vcs.
«A má-língua parece-se com o fumo porque se dissipa depressa, mas enegrece tudo em que toca.»
Germaine Necker, Baronesa de Staël-Holstein (1766-1817)
«A má-língua parece-se com o fumo porque se dissipa depressa, mas enegrece tudo em que toca.»
Germaine Necker, Baronesa de Staël-Holstein (1766-1817)
Please delete my email address when forwarding.
Apague meu endereço ao repassar as mensagens.
~ E M A I L D I S C L A I M E R ~
All my forwards are for your personal use and not to be downloaded and sold or
shared in anyway that violates copyrights of the copyright holder.
------ In all instances, information discussed here in my posts is
either hypothetical in nature, out of general curiosity, common
knowledge, public knowledge, or role-play.
Apague meu endereço ao repassar as mensagens.
~ E M A I L D I S C L A I M E R ~
All my forwards are for your personal use and not to be downloaded and sold or
shared in anyway that violates copyrights of the copyright holder.
------ In all instances, information discussed here in my posts is
either hypothetical in nature, out of general curiosity, common
knowledge, public knowledge, or role-play.
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